Bergen County Grandparent Visitation Lawyer

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Grandparent Visitation Lawyer Bergen County New Jersey

When couples get divorced, it often causes some level of turmoil for everyone involved. Not only do spouses feel the weight of a divorce, but so do their children, and, in many cases, their grandparents as well. In fact, a custody agreement that prevents or limits a child from seeing their grandparents can hurt children and grandparents equally. Because of this, courts in New Jersey afford grandparents visitation rights under certain circumstances. Contact a knowledgeable Bergen County, New Jersey grandparent visitation lawyer from HD Family Law today to learn more about grandparents’ rights in New Jersey and how we can help you.

Grandparent Visitation Lawyer in Bergen County, New Jersey | Serving Clients in NY & NJ

Were you initially not granted visitation with your grandchild? If so, you should understand that you have the right to request visitation, whether during a divorce or after. Our Bergen County, New Jersey family law attorney is here to help ensure you and your grandchild can continue to share a bond together.

Qualifying for Visitation Rights

As a grandparent seeking visitation, you will have to prove that being granted visitation rights will serve your grandchild’s best interests and that it would harm your grandchild, should the judge deny visitation. Some of the factors considered when determining visitation rights for grandparents in New Jersey are as follows:

  • Whether you have an established grandparent-grandchild relationship
  • The bond you and your grandchild share
  • Whether there has ever been any evidence of domestic abuse
  • How long it’s been since you’ve had contact with your grandchild
  • The relationship you have with both of the child’s parents
  • Whether you’re requesting visitation in good faith
  • The parents’ visitation arrangement
  • Expert assessment that your grandchild would be psychologically harmed, should visitation not be granted
  • Any other factor the court deems relevant

The Legal Process

The first step of obtaining visitation is hiring a Bergen County grandparent visitation lawyer who can file a petition with the court. You and your attorney will detail the relationship you have with your grandchild, as well as your hopeful visitation schedule. Your attorney will then give notice to both parents. If the child’s parents don’t both approve either from the start or through mediation, you will have to attend a hearing, wherein the courts determine whether granting you visitation rights will be in your grandchild’s best interests.

Contact a Grandparent Visitation Lawyer at HD Family Law Today

The bottom line is that if you’re seeking visitation with your grandchild, you need an attorney who can advocate on your behalf and prove visitation would truly benefit your grandchild. Contact HD Family Law today to schedule your initial consultation with our skilled and compassionate legal team.

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